Oracle Server Architecture
Yesterday, I gave another presentation at my work place. This time, it was about Oracle Server Architecture. The presentation explains about internals of Oracle. Everyone came up with questions and doubts. I was very happy that we had a very nice discussion. Even though the slides aren't very explanatory, I'm hosting it here.
Labels: Techie Talk
Data modeling Presentation
Datamodeling is one of the first and foremost steps in evolving a good database design. It sometimes becomes a continual process in projects where feature enhancements happen frequently. Believe me, most of the projects run without having this phase at all. This is entirely because the team is ignorant enough to not to understand the significance of datamodeling. I gave a presentation today at office to my rest of team aiming to educate everyone with the basic concepts of datamodeling.
Much of the information in my presentation was collected from random websites in Internet, copied and modified. Anyone is free to download/use/modify this presentation according to their need. Free the knowledge.
Note: Some of the slide title alignments' went off after i uploaded to Google docs. Download and scan through if you wish to.
Labels: Techie Talk